School Visits
“I’m writing for two reasons in particular. The first is that on the last day of term, our year 8s chose redrafting and writing up in neat their poems, rather than watch a DVD. Once the poetry wall had been arranged, they all had their phones out and were taking photos of their display. Never before have I seen kids willing to break the rules so flagrantly due to pride in their work- it was such a warming thing to see kids so excited, and for them to ask me whether we can study poetry after we have finished Romeo and Juliet.”
Wall of Inspiration Project – Park House School
“We had a fantastic celebration for ‘World Book Day.’ Joseph was able to work with a whole year group, varying activities as the day went on. Students were encouraged to use their creative energy and take risks with their ideas without worrying about the end product.”
Newlands Girls’ School
“Thanks for everything it bin “wkd” make sure u do it gen”
What to expect
Joseph can provide a full day visit to your school. A usual timetable will include a whole school assembly of up to 30 mins followed by up to three, one-hour poetry writing workshops with one class at a time (30 students) for keystages 1 (Years 1 & 2 only) 2, 3 or 4.
During the workshops students will learn tips and techniques for writing great poetry in a fun and active way drawing on Joseph’s 18 years of experience designing creative literacy sessions for Creative Partnerships, CLPE, Apples and Snakes and many other organisations.
Book signings can be arranged to take place in a break time, after sessions or after school.
for bookings please contact